How To Install Moodle LMS with Windows Server

Moodle Installation with Windows Server

  • Moodle Installation complete Process

Install Moodle lms on your server or localhost to download Moodle package from and you will get moodle package(code)with all software requirements and version details for running Moodle on your server, It requires Apache, MySQL and PHP environment on your server or localhost on your system.
There are 3 basic components to this installation. Download and unzip the moodle package.
Start your web server for installation on localhost for your other hosting server this will not require.Start to install Moodle lms using the web browser.

  • Start Moodle installation

Start your browser and type localhost or http://localhost within the address bar. you may either begin your initial time Moodle lms installation or if it's already put in you may enter the Moodle site's Front Page or Login screen.

  • Select the Language of Moodle you install

Type the  http://localhost/moodle and hit the enter button you will displayed Moodle install page

Select the language (I select the English for this example) and click on “Next” button.

  • Moodle data directory Path

You have to give a path for the moodledata directory in Data directory section. If the directory does not currently exist then installation process will create it on your PHP environment this moodle data directory is created out of www folder. A directory has to read and write permission on the server.

Click the “Next” button to continue.

  • Select your Database

Moodle LMS support different types of a database select the database which you will be used with Moodle.If you don’t know the type of database then please go through your server technical support to know the type of database.

Select and click on “Next” button to continue.

  • Configure your Database settings

This page displayed with some already populated filled. You need to fill Database name, Database username and database password, do not fill the Table prefix and Database port fields.

Click on “Next” button to continue

  • Moodle copyright / license notices are displayed

Installation page will displayed as following, click to continue

  • Server Configuration Status

We can see our server meet the all requirement specification or not, If not then we get the warning notification in the footer of the page following server check page will be displayed

Click on continue for installation.

Moodle Installation now start we can see the Moodle lms installs different modules

Moodle installation is finished click on “Continue” to proceed.

  • Administrator profile settings

Moodle lms site administrator user provides you all access throughout the site, fill carefully the required fields and remember the username and password of site administrator because all time you have to log in using this detail.

Click on update profile button to proceed.

  • Moodle Front page settings

On front page setting page you have to provide site Full name and short name of Moodle lms site also moodle lms ask you to set your location and manage authentication setting where you enabled the user self-registration setting, Click on save changes button.

  • Outgoing E-mail Configuration

This setting asks you to edit the email for which email ID used for outgoing email, The email ID you add here it will use for “FROM” address those cases when recipients should not be able to reply directly to the user. Click on save changes

  • Admin Dashboard

Now you land on admin user dashboard page where you can see the Course Overview box and left-hand side there is navigation block where you can get to side administration setting or site Home / front page, right-hand side you can see the Calendar,Online users block also you can update your admin setting click on right side Admin user
